I was doing my typical
Matt and I stayed home from work together a few weeks ago and caught a little bit of the new "Price is Right" with Drew Carey. I'm not gonna lie - it was kinda creepy. Drew just doesn't fit in with that glorious 70's stage facade. His awkward approach doesn't resonate like Bob's natural charm. I didn't see the end, but I can't imagine Drew inspiring me to "Help control the pet population" by "Having my pet spayed or neutered."
It's disturbing to see childhood icons (So what if Bob Barker was a God to me? Don't judge.) grow older or pass away. I have had a lot of moments like this lately. I remember a figure from my childhood and become a bit saddened by the realization that these people won't be around for my kids (if I ever have any). I know it's part of growing up, but have you seen a picture of Bill Cosby lately? It's enough to make me want to cry. These people are timeless to me and it is almost painful to see them in such a frail state.
I know they can't live forever and that these people will live on in our hearts and minds and blah blah blah...but it still sucks ass and I don't like it. I am getting more crotchety and bitter with every year, huh? At this rate, by the time I'm 30, I will be tripping small children with a cane whilst screaming obscenities and gibberish about how Jeopardy isn't the same without Alex Trebeck.
So who is it for you? Who is that one personality whose aging/death really hits home?
I'm actually with you on the Bob Barker thing. I have only caught a teeny bit of a show with Drew Carrey and it just wasn't the same.
I'm turning 28 this year. 28!
I never actually watched it much, but Bob didn't really inspire me to spay and neuter with abandon which is really too bad. I would have made an awesome episode of Cops with me trying to drag my big behonky over fences to neuter unsuspecting Saint Bernards. lol
Don't worry Becks! I'm turning 28 this year too...and next year...and the year after that...right up until my 80 year old self can no longer pull it off and have to go to 29!
I turned 28 this year too... for the third time!
I agree about Bob Barker. I like Drew but you simply can't replace Bob. I think the Price is Right should have retired along with him. It's like when the new Becky replaced the original Becky on Roseanne. The new Becky was okay but you weren't fooled into thinking things were just the same.
I like your blog, by the way. :)
LOL This is perfect. I can't believe I missed this one when you first wrote it! I completely agree about the Price is Right stuff... Drew Carey is so lame at that job. I can't believe he even wanted it. He could at least make a joke about the spay/neuter thing, but he just says it very monochromatically. That show held a lot of special memories for me, too... but now it's just another show. Sad.
And right on about Bill Cosby. I saw him on tv not too long ago, and I almost cried.
Cosby would probably be my one personality who hits home that's still alive. Walter Matthau has always had a special place in my heart... he always just struck me as someone very familiar and personal. I didn't grow up with him like I did with Cosby, of course, but when Matthau died, I considered calling off work. I was really heartbroken. Jerry Orbach's death really got to me, too.
Birdpress - there are entirely too many Beckies on this blog already! (But you've gotta love Sarah Chalke anyway, right??)
My sister's brother-in-law has a beagle named Bob Barker. Cute, huh?
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